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    Oh, Canada - I tradimenti

    Aggiornamenti freschi di giornata! (20 Dicembre 2024) - Da Cannes 77. - Concorso - Jacob ..


    New Entry - 2025 ..

    My French Muse

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    28 anni dopo

    New Entry - Il terzo film del franchise (28 Giorni dopo, 2002) e (28 settimane ..

    The Bleeder- La storia del vero Rocky Balboa

    I ‘RECUPERATI’ di ‘CelluloidPortraits’ - Da Venezia 73. Mostra del Cinema di Venezia - Uscito ..

    Il gladiatore II

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    Giurato numero 2

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    30/01/2016 - KATHRYN BIGELOW will direct and produce an untitled true crime drama set in Detroit, and financed by Megan Ellison’s Annapurna Pictures.

    Mark Boal and Annapurna’s Ellison and Matthew Budman are also producing the movie, based on an original screenplay by Boal. Shooting is set to begin this summer.

    The movie will take place against the backdrop of Detroit’s devastating riots that took place over five haunting summer days in 1967. Boal has been researching and working on the project, which explores systemic racism in urban Detroit, for more than a year.

    No studio is yet attached. Producers are targeting a release date for 2017 — the 50th anniversary of the riots.

    Annapurna noted that the project marks Boal’s first screenplay centering around domestic conflicts. His screenplays for “The Hurt Locker” and “Zero Dark Thirty,” both directed by Bigelow, were set in the Middle East.

    “The Hurt Locker” won six Oscars, including best picture, best director for Bigelow (the only woman to win that award) and best original screenplay for Boal. Bigelow, Boal and Ellison teamed on “Zero Dark Thirty,” which received five Oscar nominations, including best picture and best screenplay.

    Fonte: Dave McNary,

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